
Friday 30 October 2020



Wisdom is the ability/ to know and judge/ what is right and true,an ability to apply knowledge.Knowledge is knowing what to say/ BUT wisdom/ is knowing when to say it. 


One good example of this/ is racism/ or bullying because of skin color. Yes/ we all know that racism is wrong/ yet/ many people are still victims of it.Whenever you judge people because of their skin/ it makes them lose their self-esteem/ and it even makes them feel useless. 


Lots of people are getting bullied at schools, work, and in public, and most are innocent. How would you feel/ if someone judged you/ or hurt you/ just because you're different from others? It’s not only adults getting hurt,/ it's also little innocent children.

Sometimes/ children are not cared for because of their skin color/ so some have to go into foster homes/ and lots of people don’t want to adopt them. But others know/ that it doesn’t matter what they look like on the outside/ what matters is/ the real inside.  


Whenever somebody comes to your house/ you should always welcome them. Welcoming someone/ makes them confident/ and happy around you.   



It's wise not to be racist. You should learn more/ about other cultures/ and you should accept people/ for who they are. 


White and black people/ are all the same. We are altogether/ not apart,/ we are all one family, and we should not be enemies/ because of skin color, race, and religion.


 When George Floyd died, black people might have felt anxious/ so they wouldn’t feel safe. George Floyd/ did kind of steal something at a shop/ but he doesn’t deserve to die. When people steal/ they would either be going to jail/ or be given a warning,/ right? But killing/ should NEVER be an option.


People who think/ they have the right to just hurt/ or kill black people/ is just unacceptable. What if/ black people did this to you? You would be afraid/ and confused. So please/ don’t be racist.


The Bible says/ “the fear of the Lord/ is the beginning of wisdom/ because/ if we fear God,/ we will love/ and treat others/ with respect.”

This is my speech its not only for winning contest its also a reminder don't be racist. :)

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