
Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Summer learning journey


During this task I learnt about Tanerore the son of Tama-nui-te-rā When I was digitally drawing I didn't want to make the pattern too simple so I changed the backround into two different colours and added another koru fern.

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Summer Learning Journey



For the SLJ one of the task is to choose one of the images to colour.I chose this one. It shows that a few people who were who were on canoes or kayaks but canoe got hit by a huge Ice cold terrifying wave.

I also coloured in this fascinating picture of Big Ben.

Friday, 4 December 2020

Literacy Term 4 Week 8


This is my reading. It shows my favourite author and some of my favourite books.

maths Term 4 week 8


this week maths was pretty hard but I kept on reading the question about 1 or 3 times and I think I was ok.

Friday, 27 November 2020



We are learning about this type of bird called  Godwit.

Maths T4 W7


This week the seniors and juniors went to the Pahurehure inlet. Some people collected data, some pick up rubbish and others helped with the juniors. We used the data and made them into graphs.

Thursday, 26 November 2020

Camp scrapbook


I had an awesome time at camp so I made this scrapbook.

Friday, 20 November 2020

My Reading


This week I have learn't a lot of interesting facts about different types of birds

Friday, 6 November 2020

Topic Pahurehure Inlet.


Miss F made us this slide about the Pahurehure inlet. I learned lots of different types of birds and what it looked like in the past. Good luck to Miss F on her journey.

Thursday, 5 November 2020

Camp (reading)


This is my reading for T4 W4 It is about camp You should always follow the instructions and listen to the teachers.


 Camp is next week and everyone is REALLY exited well everyone except me. I am kinda exited its just this is my first camp with a LOT of people I don't usually go to camp with. Its hurts my stomach just to think about it.

I am still exited about the activity's. There are archery, rock climbing, B.M.X, swimming, there is a playground so we could just play on that and there are so many more fun activity's we can do there. My sister said when she went to camp they played spotlight. In case you don't know what that game is. Spotlight at camp was a game they played when they hold onto a rope and keep on walking, While a parent or teacher tries to scare one of them. I was on a forest and AT NIGHT. I don't know if they still do that at camp but it sounds pretty fun. I just get scared easily so its won't be to hard for them.

I have never been to camp with nobody I am related to. I have been thinking what if there is LOCK DOWN in the MIDDLE Of CAMP of course not but that could still happen. Hopefully nothing bad happens.

This writing was about how I feel about camp.I am nervous and exited nervxited? 

Friday, 30 October 2020



Wisdom is the ability/ to know and judge/ what is right and true,an ability to apply knowledge.Knowledge is knowing what to say/ BUT wisdom/ is knowing when to say it. 


One good example of this/ is racism/ or bullying because of skin color. Yes/ we all know that racism is wrong/ yet/ many people are still victims of it.Whenever you judge people because of their skin/ it makes them lose their self-esteem/ and it even makes them feel useless. 


Lots of people are getting bullied at schools, work, and in public, and most are innocent. How would you feel/ if someone judged you/ or hurt you/ just because you're different from others? It’s not only adults getting hurt,/ it's also little innocent children.

Sometimes/ children are not cared for because of their skin color/ so some have to go into foster homes/ and lots of people don’t want to adopt them. But others know/ that it doesn’t matter what they look like on the outside/ what matters is/ the real inside.  


Whenever somebody comes to your house/ you should always welcome them. Welcoming someone/ makes them confident/ and happy around you.   



It's wise not to be racist. You should learn more/ about other cultures/ and you should accept people/ for who they are. 


White and black people/ are all the same. We are altogether/ not apart,/ we are all one family, and we should not be enemies/ because of skin color, race, and religion.


 When George Floyd died, black people might have felt anxious/ so they wouldn’t feel safe. George Floyd/ did kind of steal something at a shop/ but he doesn’t deserve to die. When people steal/ they would either be going to jail/ or be given a warning,/ right? But killing/ should NEVER be an option.


People who think/ they have the right to just hurt/ or kill black people/ is just unacceptable. What if/ black people did this to you? You would be afraid/ and confused. So please/ don’t be racist.


The Bible says/ “the fear of the Lord/ is the beginning of wisdom/ because/ if we fear God,/ we will love/ and treat others/ with respect.”

This is my speech its not only for winning contest its also a reminder don't be racist. :)



One thing I have learned is that from my research about mangroves is that water pollution can’t affect mangroves.

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Maths T4 W3


This week I asked Miss F if she could give me some maths questions similar to what we have been learning.

Thursday, 22 October 2020


 This week for writing my new learning is about mood. Mood is something a character is feeling. For example lets just say this character named Olivia was feeling terrified because she is in a haunted house. She walked down the stair and was in shock of what she saw next. Mood can even build up some suspense it makes the story sound better.


Wednesday, 21 October 2020



Phrases I tried to write what its meant
One thing I learn't is that sea transport isn't good for the environment and that it can make Rena disasters

Friday, 16 October 2020

(Free Writing) At my friends house

 On the 10/10/2020 two adults I know are getting married. I kid got exited until I figured out me and my sister COULDN'T GO! We didn't get invited because that would mean there you be more then 100 people there and its all because of covid 19. My Parents said that after music school we both have to go to Ryu (my friend’s) house

After Music school (Ryu’s House)

My dad was on a call with Ryu’s dad then he dropped us at the gate. I was kinda exited but at the same time sad because I couldn’t go to the wedding with my cousin and friends. When we got to there place we ran to their house but when we got there the door was opened and no one was in there not even the parents.My sister called my dad who I think called Ryu’s dad then after a while somebody was calling somebody watch. Me ad my sister went to the watch on a desk to check it out. It said “Father” so obviously it was Ryu’s dad.I don’t know why but my sister answered it. They both said “Hello” and then my sister said that nobody was here then he said “oh” and they just talked about something for a second then they ended the call. I didn’t have WiFi so I decided to just watch on my Chromebook that WHOLE time while my sister and Ryu’s dad were on a call because I downloaded a video on Disney plus.Her dad arrived and after a while he said that they were here so he said to hide somewhere. Then I think Ryu looked outside and saw our shoes then she saw the bathroom lights were on. So she obviously knew we were here. Then she went to the bathroom then we scared her BOO! It was so funny you should have seen her face. Anyways we played Among us after Ryu showed me the WiFi. Me my sister and Ryu wanted to all be impostor but only my sister got the chance to be one. When you are impostor your task is to try kill everyone and make sure nobody knows you are impostor. Among us is getting quite popular this year. 

Lunch in the Kitchen

We all got called down to choose what pizza we wanted. Ryu said cheese and I did too but then I told Ryu’s mum that we had pizza for dinner. So she just said we will get donuts instead. They looked yummy but expensive. Ryu wanted pizza though. I guess I ruined her cheesy pizza lunch she wanted. The donuts were amazing. Soft in the outside and creamy on the inside.

Night Market

It was 6:00 and my parents haven’t arrived yet so we drove to this night market Ryu was been mentioning for a while. Me and My sister hasn’t been to one in a VERY long time. I saw some games like shot the cup pyramid for was either $50 or $5 and I saw this other game that you had to throw a dart at 8 balloons and then win $20. Amazing right? Unfortunately those were the only games and we didn’t even get to play them! We walked to all the food vans/stands. There were barbecue stands,drink stand and probably 100 different other stands. First we went to ToroChoros we bought 6 so we all got 2 each ( I did the Math). Ryu and my sister got barbecue, Kia (Ryu’s little sister) got some cotton candy and I got chicken on a stick. I liked how crispy it was on the outside how tender it is on the inside. It was to die for. I really wish that all this would happen again because it was really fun.

Maths T4 W1


This week I have been doing adding and subtracting. I have been doing activitys like banking issues and pocket money.

Wednesday, 14 October 2020



This is my favourite page on a book I have read because I like how the writer wrote "Eyes first to see the shoal of salver fish plash."

Monday, 12 October 2020

Board Game - Inlets and Webs


For topic I played this board game but every time I land on something I have to answer a question. I got 2 free passes! Did you know that Mangroves may help fight coral bleaching.

Thursday, 24 September 2020



This is my reading I research and thought about what was the opposite of these words.

Free Writing


This is my free writing I wanted to post to my blog its about if there was one thing I would change in this school what would it be?

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Garden Kai


Today we made Macaroni and CHEESE it tasted delicious and I got to help cut broccoli and cook the pasta.

Friday, 18 September 2020



This is my maths for T3 W9 it was a bit hard and a bit easy at the same time.

Thursday, 17 September 2020

Wednesday Maori words


This is My Maori words for Wednesday It was a bit tricky but I remembered a lot because of a quiz.

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Tuesday Moari Work Words


Here is my Tuesday Maori work. I matched the Maori words with the English.

Monday Maori Words


Here is some of my Maori work. I tried finding the Maori and English words that are the same then put them together

Writing T3 W9

This week (Term 3 Week 9) we had to write something about the haka. We could write a narrative to, describe and many more I chose to describe. I wanted to describe what I have researched and my knowledge about the haka.

Reading T3 W9


This is my Reading. One thing I liked about my reading is how I had to explain what was similar from what I have read.

Friday, 11 September 2020



This is some of my work from when we were planning for our packaging.



We are learning about fractions this week and here is one example.

Thursday, 10 September 2020

Reading T3 W8


This is my Reading for T3 W8. I learn't stuff about dawn raids and that we should have the right to protest.

Thursday, 27 August 2020

Paddock to plate

This week I have been learning how some food have been made.

Thursday, 20 August 2020

My little shop

This is my work for this week I was doing stuff like thinking about packaging and making a poster for hokey pokey.

Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Friday, 24 July 2020

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

T3 W1 Reading

One thing I did for reading is writing 3 reasons if companies should not be advertised to children or it should.

Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Inquiry Process

This is my topic inquiry I made a mask from the Philippines.

Tuesday, 30 June 2020


This reading work is to explain some facts about Matariki.

Matariki Writing

This is my writing I have been doing its about Matariki.

Monday, 29 June 2020

T2 W12 Maths

This weeks maths has a tiny bit hard but I tried my best and answered the questions.

Friday, 26 June 2020


Today we have been learning about candy and did lots of teamwork.

Thursday, 25 June 2020


This is my reading I had to write the differences and similarities of Rena and the Deep water Horizon.

Writing Kids shouldn't have homework

Lots of kids in hundreds of schools have homework. I am going to explain why I think there shouldn’t be homework.Now please listen.

Firstly, why would you do homework when you already do so much work at school for six hours or more. When its probably the same thing.

Secondly, since the homework could be hard you would be sitting at your desk struggling maybe because you don't know what to do. Your not getting enough exercise and sleep by just working all the time. Its not good for your mental health.

Thirdly, School work and homework is the same thing.Help from teachers is like help from parents and the school work is like homework.

Homework can be hard so some kids don’t even do it but they do some school work so why would there be homework. I hope I have pursued you that kids shouldn’t have homework.

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Friday, 19 June 2020


Today I have been learning about robots and did maths like fractions.

Thursday, 18 June 2020


This is my Reading for T2 W10.


This weeks math was quite hard but I tried my best to figure some out.


I finally finished my monster writing and now it is ready .

Tuesday, 16 June 2020


This is the Next chapeter of the UNEXPECTED EVENTS tell me what you think for the next part.

The hidden creature

In the forest lives many creatures like the little blue monster from my last writing some call him the hidden creature. He does eat people but only does that to survive. There is something in humans he needs. The monster lives in a little pile of wood thats like a little shack and wood is the only thing besides humans he eats but the thing that he needs in humans gives him the energy to eat without it he dies. He doesn’t like humans so everyday he looks for creatures that has the thing the humans have but he can’t find anything thats why theses species turn extinct. Is he good or is he bad NO ONE KNOWS!

Monday, 15 June 2020

Friday, 12 June 2020


Today I have been learning about cars and made some cool stuff. Check it out!


This is my maths for T2 W9.

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

The hidden creature

For writing we have to make a made up monster and explain what they could do and what they look like my monster I wrote about is called The hidden creature.

T2 W9 Reading

This is my maths for this week I have been learning about things in the ocean and that we need to protect it.

Friday, 29 May 2020

Thursday, 28 May 2020


This week I have been learning about the Maori Culture.

Samoan Language Week

I have been doing Samoan activitys to celebrate the Samoan language week.


This is my maths for this week.

Reading T2 W7

This is my reading for T2 W7.

Wednesday, 27 May 2020


This is another writing I did for W7.
I thank everybody working during lock down.

Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Friday, 22 May 2020


Today I have been learning about colours and I have been doing cool experiments about colours.

Thursday, 21 May 2020


I have been learning about Egypt and Egyptians.


This is my Reading for week 6 Term 1.


This is my maths for this week.

My time in the hospital

During Quarantine my leg suddenly started to hurt I wanna share some of my experiences I went to.I went to three places the doctors then another doctors and lastly we were told to go to the hospital but they couldn't figure it out the last thing they had to do was MRI but did they actually do it? please comment down bellow.

Wednesday, 20 May 2020



Weak, lazy, fast and active,

Daughter of Ernie and Leah, sister of Lara and Iven, 

Lover of my family, building stuff, and biking,

Who feels hungry all the time, happy when I am in the Philippines and bored
when I am doing the dishes,

Who needs friends to play with and parents to take care of me,

Who gives stuff to my cousins and sometimes shares with my siblings, 

Who fears tsunamis and different types of disasters,

Who would like a puppy and horse riding lessons,

Who comes from the Philippines and lives in New Zealand Auckland Papakura.


Friday, 15 May 2020


Today I have been learning how to recreate part of a movie, Review a movie and create a character.

Thursday, 14 May 2020


I have been learning about Dinosaurs and what a palaeontologist is.

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Myths and legends

today I have been learning about different kinds of myths and legends people make up.

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Monday, 11 May 2020

Friday, 8 May 2020

Nature and Science

Today I have been learning about Nature and science.

Thursday, 7 May 2020

Day 16 Sports

Today I have learned how to identify the main element of sports.

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Floating and sinking

Today I have been learning about stuff that sink or float.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Monday, 4 May 2020

Day 13

I have been learning about space and how it would be like there.

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Friday, 24 April 2020

Day 8 - Walking with an ANZAC #2

I have been learning the importance  of Anzac day and how Anzacs are remembered in different ways.

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Day 7 Maori

I have learn't to explore Maori in everyday settings.

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Move it Move it Day 6

One thing I have been learning is to understand how movement is good for our bodies.

Tuesday, 21 April 2020


I have been learning how to make music using stuff around my house.

Monday, 20 April 2020

Thursday, 16 April 2020


I have been learning how chocolate is made and how to make stuff with chocolate.


I have been learning about how much sugar is in the food I eat so I can eat better.

Friday, 20 March 2020

How to make a water filter

I have been doing some research about water filtration and I wanted to do some writing of what I researched.

Thursday, 19 March 2020

19/3/2020 Khans Academy Maths

This week 19/3/20 I have been doing Khan's Academy for maths I took screen shots to show my learning.

How to understand the main idea

I have been learning how to find the main idea this is some of the stuff I do to find/understand the main idea.

Thursday, 5 March 2020

9 Steps to become a successful basketball athlete

This week I was learning how to become a successful athlete of my own sport.
I choose to do basketball because this is one of my favourite sports.

Monday, 24 February 2020

Plant Sketch

For topic we had to sketch a plant around our class room or inside the classroom. This is the start of my sketch please comment for feedback.

Friday, 21 February 2020

Math Learning how to make Graphs in google sheets

Today I was learning how to make a graph in google sheets.
So I looked around my hub and counted in two groups who had blonde hair and who had dark hair.

Friday, 14 February 2020

Our Expectations

For topic Peyton and I were learning the expectations at PCS
Respectful, Responsible, Connected and Learners

Friday, 10 January 2020

Week 1 Day 5 activity 2

After running away from the Syrian war, Yusra and her sister set off to find safety in Europe. They traveled through Lebanon to Turkey on an overcrowded dinghy. After fifteen minutes the boat's engine failed. Yusra didn't want to let any passengers drown so Yusra, her sister and two others jumped in the water to stop their dinghy from capsizing, saving 20 people. She was recognized by the International Olympic Committee a year later. She became the first member of the Refugee Olympic team. Yusra has been presented awards and wants to compete at the next Olympic Games in Tokyo, this year.

Week 1 Day 5 Activity 1

My three important things to me are my parents and my sister and brother. My brother always makes me laugh doing crazy stuff, my sister sometimes helps with most of my work when its hard and my parents are always supportive. I love all of them and they love me too.

Tuesday, 7 January 2020

Week 1 Day 4 Activity 2

If I were to change my name I would change it to Crystal because the meaning of Crystal means a jewel and also follower of god and I am a christian.

Week 1 Day 4 activity 1

Serena Williams
Serena Williams is known around the world as a famous tennis player

Serena's Tennis life started at Compton California at the age of three when her father taught her how to play

Serena won the gold medal at the 2000 Olympic games with you sister Venus.

How did she get the idea of her Charity?

Monday, 6 January 2020

Week 1 Day 3 activity 3

My dream job is to be an engineer my dad could help my learn because he used work as a engineer. Engineering would give a lot of money so i can help my family buy stuff like food and water that we need.

Week1 Day 3 Activity 2

Steve Adams
If I were to interview Steve Adams I would ask

What made him into playing Basket ball?

Does he ever have time to play basket ball?

This year have you learn't anything new?

Week1 Day 3 activity 3

If i were a superhero for one day i would want to have

Speed-If I had speed I could multitask like doing this Summer learning journey and washing the dishes

Regeneration/Healing-I could use these powers so if my family or relatives get sick i could heal them

Teleportation-So I could teleport to places so i wouldn't waste my parents time

Week1 Day 2 Activity 3

The brave person I know is my brother he used to have a fear of ants but when one went on him My brother noticed they were harmless.

Friday, 3 January 2020

DAY 2: UP IN THE AIR Week 1 activity 2

When I first stepped on the moon I knew I could jump high I leaped into space and knew I could fly I flipped and flopped but only could float into space and into the cold.

DAY 2: Up in the air week 1 activity 1

Week 1 activity 3

An SPCA is a charity where you can donate to save all those Animals out there and buy stuff like food, beds and water so ALL those animals that are in the SPCA can help the pets that need it

Image result for dog pictures in SPCA